Dynamic Armchair Pilates™

Dynamic Armchair Pilates™

If restricted mobility does not permit a client to lie on the floor or other equipment, this workshop, developed by the Merrithew™ team, shows exercise variations in an upright, seated position. In addition to exploring movements incorporating the gentle resistance of the STOTT PILATES® Flex-Band® exerciser, participants work through a number of exercises performed in a supported standing position to help develop balance and coordination.

Learning objectives

  • Apply the STOTT PILATES Five Basic Principles of stabilization to select seated exercises/li>
  • Lean supported movements in a standing position focusing on proper form
  • Understand why STOTT PILATES is beneficial in cases of restricted mobility and how to modify for this clientele
  • Learn cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness

Workshop Dated: Monday October 25, 2021
Course Times: 5:00-7:00pm
CEC#: 0.2
Workshop Fee: $125.00
Instructor Trainer: Kim Dunleavy

Props required: Regular chair (without armrest if possible), Flex band, Flex band handles

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