VIRTUAL Armchair Pilates™ Plus

VIRTUAL Armchair Pilates™ Plus

Learn how to adapt the STOTT PILATES® principles and exercises to a client with restricted mobility that is better suited to working in a seated position. A variety of exercises, developed by the Merrithew® team, are discussed, demonstrated and experienced that work both the core and peripheral muscle groups while keeping the body upright. The Flex-Band® exerciser is incorporated into many of the exercises, to provide added light resistance and add variety to this full-body program.

Learning objectives

  • Apply the STOTT PILATES Principles of stabilization to select seated exercises
  • Understand movement essence and exercise goals for a specialized population
  • Understand why STOTT PILATES exercise is beneficial in cases of restricted mobility and how to modify for this clientele
  • Learn cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness

Equipment used in this workshop

Workshop Dated: Saturday, April 27th, 2024
Workshop Times: 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Workshop Fee: $125.00
CEC#: 0.2 

Instructor Trainer: Eva Powers 


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