This week had a rough start.
The Monday I was supposed to see the difference saw me feeling low energy and frustrated. I was the only person in Sean’s evening class, so I asked if we could take things slow and restoratively. We went over the teaser on the mat, worked on hinging at the hips, and did a few stretches on the stability chair. While Sean was encouraging in our time together, I felt uncoordinated and awkward. Looking back, I can see that I was in my head instead of my body.
My mood improved the next day, and I made it through Nicole’s class feeling energized. After class, I snapped a selfie in the mirror and realized I had put a lot of pressure on myself to “see the difference.” Even though this is a challenge for me alone, my competitive side was getting the best of me and souring my experience. Admittedly, I expected a six-pack to materialize or for me to fill out my leggings differently. But when I looked in the mirror, I saw the same Cambrey and not all the hard work I was putting in.
By Wednesday, I decided that being hard on myself would get me nowhere. Not only did I have a lot to be grateful for, but I was seeing that I was strong in a way I had never experienced and that I had not given up on myself by missing a session. This slight mindset shift got me out of my rut and catapulted me through class with Lisa—which was fun, satisfyingly complex, and perfectly timed with a playlist of mood-boosting oldies.
On my way out, as I was saying my “goodbyes” to the staff, Lauren, as if she could read my thoughts, said she could see my progress and that it showed in my posture. The whole interaction, which was all of 10 seconds, was precisely what I needed to hear.
I finished the week with a Saturday private from Allison, where we did teaser exercises on the reformer, followed by a Sunday class with Elissha. I felt good, light, and a lot less in control—which was a good thing considering how much pressure I’d put on myself at the beginning of the week.