I want to discuss coronavirus. Like you, I am unsure whether the virus will affect our area, but we have to be diligent to protect each other.
Over 23 years I have heard from many of you that our uber clean studio is one of the reasons you love equilibrium.
We are stepping up our normal vigilance to what I’m calling “hyper-vigilance” and it includes the following:
- We have a maintenance person who cleans the studio five days a week.
- Our desk staff will disinfect the desk area and all door handles every hour.
- All equipment whether it is used in a group class or a private will be disinfected after every use. We were already doing that in group classes but now all small equipment used in your private session will be disinfected after each use.
- Instructors will wash and disinfect their hands between sessions.
- I am asking that people avoid kissing, hugging, or shaking hands when we greet team members or old and new clients.
- Our team has been advised to stay home with signs of an upper respiratory flu.
If someone has a fever, they are required to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to work.
There are still things that are beyond my control. For example, I would like to request that anyone with symptoms gets tested for coronavirus and/or flu, but it is still not clear that the test is readily available in our area. I am monitoring that on a daily basis.
I am asking for your help with the following:
- Please wash your hands when arriving at the studio.
Soap and water for 20 seconds is the best formula, but I realize that with the volume of clients we see that might not always be feasible with only three sinks.
We are well stocked with hand sanitizers. Look for the wall-mounted dispenser in both studios. Please be sure to rub sanitizer for 20 seconds on all parts of your hands. - Be extra diligent when wiping down your equipment after use. You know best what part of the equipment you touched so clean all those surfaces.
- We are disinfecting small equipment after each use, but you are welcome to use additional sanitizing wipes if you prefer to disinfect equipment BEFORE your use.
- Please feel free to ask your instructor for a “hands-free” session. They will not be offended, and all are very prepared to give cues that don’t require them to touch you during your session.
- I am asking you to be diligent about staying home when you’re sick with the same policy we have for our team:
“Our team has been advised to stay home with signs of upper respiratory flu.
If someone has a fever, they are required to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to work.” - If you are healthy please don’t come to the studio with children who are home from school with an illness.
We will monitor the CDC suggestions on the criteria for self-quarantine. If clients or staff fit that criteria they will be asked to stay home for 14 days. You can follow their updates at
I have noted that some members of our community already are experiencing stress and anxiety over the threat of this virus. Stay calm, be prepared, and do PILATES with lots of breathwork!
Warmest regards & faux hugs,
Nancy Hodari & Finley aka Finn
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