Why I Love Cadillac, Chair, and Barrels (CCB)


Have you already taken Mat and Reformer or maybe only one of these courses? Are you wondering why it might be a great idea to take CCB?

I'd like to answer you with a resounding YES!!

After taking Mat and or Reformer you may think that you have enough of a selection of exercises to keep all of your clients happy. The truth is you are only half way there. You may have already discovered that certain exercises are very difficult to teach especially to new clients. Maybe the client has trouble doing mid back without leg support or has issues with stability when you ask her or him to put feet in straps. Just these two issues can easily be solved on the Cadillac. Maybe you have a Mat client who is struggling with Roll ups. Likewise Extension exercises can be done more easily on the barrels as can glute exercises. The Chair offers options to be more vertical as well as offering safe balance exercises.

If you own a reformer or rehab reformer with a vertical frame, and want to know what else you can do with it, take the Cadillac course. You'll be able to double your repertory of exercises.

If any of this is intriguing to you, I hope you'll join me for the upcoming Cadillac, Chair and Barrels courses coming up the first weekend of April.

--Gayle Eubanks, STOTT PILATES® Instructor Trainer